LaCie Blue Eye Pro Colorimeter Proof Edition



    LaCie Blue eye pro Proof Edition is a complete monitor calibration and profiling solution designed to certify accurate monitor colors in the most demanding workflows. Specify your target colorimetric settings, such as WhitePoint, Gamma, Brightness and Blackpoint, and it automatically calibrates your monitor, creating and activating an ICC profile which ensures consistent colors throughout your workflow. Or, specify a reference profile and it adjusts your monitor to match the reference; you can even manually fine-tune your calibration.During each calibration, LaCie Blue eye pro saves the specific hardware settings that correspond to your chosen colorimetric environment within the ICC Profile it creates. Such advanced ICC profiles allow you to switch from one colorimetric environment to another without re-calibrating. Thanks to the test and report function, you can create and save detailed reports that describe your monitor's gamut, and compare its performance against target calibration values and the ICC profile you built during profiling. Specifically designed with softproofing-based workflows in mind, test and report now embeds a feature developed in collaboration with UGRA, the Swiss center of competence for media and printing technology, called UDACT. This tool allows the most demanding user to perform color accuracy verifications based on the color patches of the widely accepted UGRA/FOGRA Mediawedge and produces a certificate of suitability for softproofing according to ISO 12646 requirements. When used in conjunction with the supplied ambient light diffuser, the LaCie Blue eye colorimeter can also help you analyze the lighting characteristics of your working environment and compare them to ISO-recommended conditions for color work.This box content includes LaCie Blue eye colorimeter, counterweight, ambient light diffuser/protective shell, LaCie Blue eye pro Proof Edition software CD including user manual and quick install guide.