Steganos Password Manager 15 - 5 PC Household License, Download Version



    Steganos Password Manager 15 - 3 PC is designed for individuals who want to securely store all of their account log-in information and PIN codes in one central place, the software enables users to safely transport and access this information, whether at home, at work or on the go.

    The software comes with free apps for iPhone and Android mobile devices, and also enables secure transport of passwords via USB stick. It also features a password generator, which individuals can use to create a secure password in just one click. Moreover, it automatically populates account log-in pages with the correct user name and password. Users only need to remember one password to access the application or can opt to open it with the visual PicPass option instead.

    Do you use the same key for your house, car and office? Not likely. Yet many users use the same password several times in the Internet – a huge security risk. If just one of your accounts is hacked (something that happens every day), your entire online identity could be jeopardised. Strangers could write e-mails in your name, make online purchases or view your bank account, all of which could damage your good reputation. At the end of the day, your identity in the net depends on the quality and diversity of your passwords. But thinking up so many passwords and entering and remembering them are impossible. This solves all three problems for you at a stroke. It generates extremely secure passwords, enters and remembers them. After that, you only need to remember just one password.

    Product Features:

    • Enables users to safely and conveniently store passwords and PIN codes on your USB drive, laptop, tablet and smartphone
    • Saves all kinds of access data with AES 256-bit encryption.
    • The virtual keyboard makes it impossible for key loggers to eavesdrop on what you type. An optional key mix function protects against mouse click recorders.
    • Steganos Pic-Pass lets you open your Password Manager by clicking images in the right sequence.