The Fitness-Focused Employee

Tips to Stay Active at Work

March 4, 2022

Whether you’re attending to customers or crammed at a desk, long work hours make it tough to squeeze in a fitness routine. How can you balance a busy work schedule with a healthy, active lifestyle?


If you don’t have time to work out after work, you can start using those small snippets of downtime during work to stay fit. Consider purchasing a smartwatch that displays your steps, calories burned, and/or heart rate. You can use fitness bands to complete stretches or bicep curls from your office chair. Try putting some wearable body weights under your clothing to transform every movement into a mini-workout for a bigger challenge.


A reusable water bottle is handy to have nearby to help you stay hydrated during your on-the-job workout routine. When you’re ready to start pumping up your fitness, explore a hand-selected collection of products designed for fitness-minded employees.

Don't Sit It Out - Use a Stand-Up Desk

Standing desks are an option to keep you from sitting in a chair all day.  Whether you're working in an office or from home, consider purchasing a standing desk for extra standing time.

Shop All Standing Desks

Exercise Your Right to Be Fit While You Sit

Consider active seating, such as balance ball chairs and wobble chairs,  to stretch and work your back muscles while sitting. Just a few minutes per day can help loosen your muscles and strengthen your core for more support.

Shop All Active Seating

The Road To Success: (Resistance Isn't Futile)

Resistance bands create ways for muscles to exert force on simple objects. Combine these elastic bands with a notebook to record how many repetitions you accomplish on your arms and legs. These techniques help track your fitness level as you increase repetitions and work on certain muscle groups.

Shop All Journals & Diaries

Stretch Your Limits

Yoga mats fit neatly into carrying cases, and you can unfurl them anywhere you have about 6 feet of space. Setting up your yoga mat in a quiet, contemplative space for a few quick poses can help ease sore muscles.

Shop All Exercise Equipment

Healthier Snacks to Stay on Track

Snacks are great for morning and afternoon pick-me-ups. Granola bars, whole grain snacks, and fresh fruits and vegetables all deserve a place in your snack bowl. Whether you crave something sweet or salty, there are plenty of healthier snacks out there.

Shop All Nutrition
, Granola
, & Trail Mix Bars

Remember to Hydrate

Water bottles are a must when you’re burning calories, and you can find one that suits your fitness profile and personality. Transparent water bottles let you keep track of how much liquid you’ve got left, while colorful Takeya water bottles make it easy to spot your bottle from across the room.

Shop All Water Bottles

The contents of this article are for information purposes only. The information does not constitute a medical consultation and cannot replace medical advice. Any information should never be used as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other health care provider. There are many possible causes for physical discomfort. If you are experiencing persistent symptoms or symptoms that are severe enough to interfere with your job or personal activities, consider seeking medical assistance.