Why Wellness Programs at the Workplace Matter

February 15, 2018

How employees feel can affect how they work. Implementing employee wellness programs may help boost morale, which naturally can improve productivity, increasing your company's overall profitability. The problem is that convincing department heads to allocate funds for workplace wellness programs isn't always easy. Consider providing upper management with facts that prove that staff well-being programs boost both the staff's mood and the company's bottom line, then offer budget-friendly solutions.

Invest in Wellness

According to studies on workplace stress, approximately 80 percent of workers feel stress on the job.[1] Additionally, 40 percent of workers state that their jobs are very or extremely stressful.[1] The problem is that far too often, wellness activities are viewed as luxuries or bonuses rather than legitimate investments in a better functioning office. Fostering a positive work environment can go a long way in reducing stress, which is vital to any business.

The Effects of Stress in the Workplace 

A stressful work environment can actually manifest in the form of physical health problems.[2] Naturally, sick employees aren't able to perform to their full potential, if they even make it to work at all. Additionally, focused employees can be more productive, and stress is one of the biggest workplace distractions out there. A toxic work environment is also one of the biggest causes of employee turnovers, and creating an enjoyable work environment is one the most effective and cost-efficient employee retention strategy. To put it succinctly, failing to provide stress-reduction programs can lead to more employees calling out sick, distracted workers, and higher turnover rates.

Surprise Your Team with Massage Therapy 

You won't necessarily need to turn your office into a luxury spa to improve the overall atmosphere. Of course it's not practical to keep a massage therapist on call every day, but a surprise visit every month or so from a massage therapist can go a long way. The rest of the month, you could outfit the break room with massage chairs and other comfortable furniture options so employees can enjoy some comfort during their off time. You don't need to make dramatic gestures every day, but just surprising employees with the occasional pampering while also providing a consistently welcoming and comfortable environment can really show them that they're valued.

Encourage Exercise

Exercise is one of the most powerful stress relievers.[3] It boosts natural endorphins that promote a positive mood, and it acts as a fantastic distraction from problems.[3] Exercising also can help boost self-confidence and improves sleep habits.[3] Because healthy employees are more efficient and productive, some companies provide free gym memberships for employees. However, that's not always the most budget-friendly option. Instead, consider turning a spare room into a workout area. You can buy some exercise equipment that doesn't take up too much space, and let employees blow off some steam when they're feeling stressed. Some affordable and compact options include miniature exercise bikes, medicine balls, ankle weights, and jump ropes.

Provide Healthy Snacks 

Keeping some healthy snacks on hand is a good way to prevent employees from getting hangry (when hunger leads to anger). Additionally, a nutritious diet naturally leads to a healthier and happier employee, and people may handle stress better when they're healthy.[4] You don't need to provide a daily buffet, but just keeping some healthy snacks and food such as nuts, granola bars, and fruit cups in the break room can really help to keep employees focused on their work rather than the rumbling in their tummies.

Allow Meditation Breaks

While allowing employees to take more breaks throughout the day may seem counterproductive, even just a few minutes of meditation can restore a person's calmness and inner peace.[5] Instead of counting every minute an employee is on the clock, try to look at the bigger picture. If an employee takes three or four extra five-minute breaks throughout the day, you lose 20 minutes. However, if the employee is working refreshed and stress-free for the other seven hours and 40 minutes, you can get better results at the end of the day. The beauty of offering meditation as a wellness option is that it's so cheap. All you need is a quiet room and a nice area rug, some dim lighting and a stereo for relaxing ambiance, and your employees can have a tranquil retreat to use to clear their minds.

Wellness in the workplace can go a long way in creating an environment that inspires productivity, creativity, and motivation. When you show workers that they're appreciated, you may see the company's numbers rise. It's entirely possible to create effective workplace wellness programs without breaking the bank; you just need to get a little creative. Even a small investment in employee morale can turn into significant long-term returns. Consider reminding your company's upper management of the big picture as they plan the budget, and try to be sure to track the growth that comes with wellness programs so you can make an even more convincing case next time.

1. https://www.stress.org/workplace-stress/

2. https://www.webmd.com/men/features/work-stress#1

3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/exercise-and-stress/art-20044469

4. https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/tc/healthy-eating-to-decrease-stress-topic-overview

5. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in-depth/meditation/art-20045858