Scholastic Teacher Resources Month-By-Month Reading Instruction For The Differentiated Classroom, Grades K-2



    Help students transform into confident readers with a year's worth of comprehensive classroom tools developed by seasoned teachers. Mini lessons, a month-by-month chart and other resources provide the tools needed to support growing readers of all skill levels.

    • Helps teachers create a comprehensive approach to reading in a differentiated classroom. Provides strategies to boost struggling readers and provide additional enrichment for advanced students, ensuring that every skill level receives the proper support.
    • Month-by-month chart offers a full year of mini-lessons. Lessons include self-monitoring and decoding skills, comprehension strategies, vocabulary development, writing about reading and genre awareness.
    • Classroom resources keep students' focus on reading skills. Morning message ideas, book lists for read-alouds and genre studies and interactive whiteboard activities support classroom instruction.
    • Meets Common Core standards.
    • Ideal for use in kindergarten through grade 2 classrooms.