Flagship Carpets STEM Area Rug, 6'H x 8'4"W, Gray


Get kids thinking about STEM with the Flagship Carpets STEM Area Rug. This rug helps to inspire kids to explore science, technology, math and engineering and boasts an antimicrobial and mildew-resistant treatment, which makes it an ideal fit for your classroom.

  • STEM rug helps inspire children to learn about science, technology, engineering and math.
  • Made with 100% 6.6 continuous filament nylon and bound with double-stitch surge nylon edge yarn to offer durability.
  • Stainless for permanent soil resistance and stain protection.
  • Treated with FORCE 5 agent to make the rug antimicrobial, odor resistant and mildew resistant.
  • Eco-conscious choice — has one or more meaningful eco-attributes or eco-labels.
  • Antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth
  • Less harsh chemicals — made with fewer harsh chemicals, or safer chemicals than typical alternatives, helping reduce your use of and exposure to substances that may be more harmful to your health and the environment.