Same Day Delivery


1. Shop
Add Same-Day Delivery eligible items to your cart. Eligible items will feature a Same-Day Delivery badge. 

2. Check Delivery Zip Code Availability
Check availability for Same-Day Delivery from your cart by entering your delivery zip code. If your zip code is eligible for Same-Day Delivery, you will be able to select this fulfilment option and continue to checkout. 

3. Select a Delivery Window
From checkout, you will be able to select an available delivery window. Orders placed before 5PM will be eligible to receive Same-Day Delivery. If placing an order after 5PM, you will be able to schedule a delivery window for the next day.

4. Place Order
Your order will be delivered within the delivery window selected at checkout. Be on the lookout for any SMS communications from our delivery service partner regarding your delivery. 

Same-Day Delivery Coverage

Same-Day Delivery is available in select zip codes.  For instructions on how to check if your zip code is eligible, please reference the "How it Works" section above. 

Same-Day Delivery is currently not available in the below locations:

  • Connecticut 
  • Delaware
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire

  • New Jersey
  • Rhode Island 
  • Vermont
  • Virgin Islands

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Same-Day Delivery?
Office Depot OfficeMax is offering Same-Day Delivery in select areas and ZIP codes on eligible products. If the Same-Day Delivery option is available from your cart, you can choose this fulfillment option and proceed to checkout. From checkout, you can select a delivery window that is most convenient for you. This service is available for both residential and business customers shopping on, our mobile application and/or our mobile site. For Same-Day Delivery orders, you will need to provide a mobile telephone number. Our delivery service partner will be able to text or call you with delivery updates.

How do I place an order for Same-Day Delivery?
Same-Day Delivery orders can only be placed online at, our mobile application and/or our mobile site. If the products are eligible and you are within a serviceable zip code, you can select Same-Day Delivery as your fulfillment option from the cart. See the above “How it Works” section for more details on placing a Same-Day Delivery order.

What are the delivery windows for Same-Day Delivery?
Available weekday delivery windows begin at 10:00AM (if order is placed by 7:00PM previous day) until 8:00PM (if order is placed by 5:00PM current day). Due to weekend store hours, not all delivery windows are available in all stores during weekend hours. Available weekend delivery windows will be noted at Checkout.

Who will be delivering my Same-Day Delivery order?
We offer Same-Day Delivery through our trusted vendors, Uber and DoorDash, that specialize in same-day delivery in select areas across the United States.

What if I am not available when the delivery partner arrives?
If our delivery partner attempts delivery that requires your signature but you are not available, the order will be returned to the store. If you want the order re-delivered, you would need to create new order.

Why are some products not available for Same-Day Delivery?
Most products in stock at the store will be available for Same-Day Delivery. However, some dimension, weight, hazmat and special-order restrictions apply.

What if I don't receive my delivery?
If you don’t receive your delivery, please contact customer service at (800) GO-DEPOT (463-3768).