Being involved in the community is natural for most business owners. You take pride in your area and want to see it grow and improve. But when you’re busy running a business, it’s easy to put off community involvement while you handle things like making payroll and courting new clients.
It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to help important causes in your community, though. And the benefits are worth it. A survey done by Cone Inc., titled “Millennial Cause Study,” found that 83 percent of people trust a company more if it is socially and environmentally responsible.
Here are a few simple ways to give back and get involved:
1. Donate goods or services to an auction. Charitable organizations host raffles and auctions for fundraisers all the time. Donating goods or services is a great way to help out without having to write a check. Plus, your business earns free publicity just for attending the event.
2. Sponsor a charitable event hosted by a major client. Here’s a time when writing a check makes sense. If one of your clients sponsors a major event each year, be sure to get involved and gain some goodwill.
3. Pick a cause and plan your own event. You don’t have to piggyback with someone else. If there’s a cause that means a lot to you, use your business to support it. A law firm in Oklahoma City started an annual Day of Kindness to combat hunger in the area. The event has grown each year (and gotten more publicity). Last year they gave away more than 5,000 turkeys.
4. Join a local organization. If you’re not sure where to start, join your local Chamber of Commerce or Rotary club. Civic organizations like these have lots of resources and ideas about ways to help.
5. Let your employees choose. Giving back feels good, and employees appreciate a chance to volunteer. Give your employees a few hours or an entire day a few times a year to get involved with organizations that are important to them. The benefits are two-fold: Your community is better off, and your employees are happier.
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