Organizing to Move Forward
Sometimes even though you’re doing the work, it feels like you’re not moving forward. For business owners, that feeling can add up because the timeframes of your goals may vary. For Shelby, she began dedicating one large task that moves her business forward per month.
Shelby has her list of goals written down – the things she needs to do for the business like bookkeeping, creating marketing assets or creating a more efficient way to track inventory Then she dedicates a month to each major task (which has a list of to-dos within).
“So, at the end of the month I feel like I’ve actually achieved something to move my business forward rather than looking at this broad to-do list and feel like I don’t even know where to start.”
You can use this method for any kind of timeframe you set for your business whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly. Be sure to find the right kind of planner that helps keep you organized.
"Scratching stuff off your to-do list is so exciting. Don’t forget to celebrate your milestones – you have to motivate and energize yourself.”
At the end of the day, if you’re ever feeling like you didn’t do enough, refer to all of those things you scratched off and feel accomplished.
3. Find the right tools for YOU – With the advice you’ve read above, it’s important not to jam all of your to-do lists, all of your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals into a generic planner. There are many different kinds of planners that cater to the types of goals you’re working on or the timeframes you’re working off of. For Shelby, she has been enjoying digitizing her notes but loves writing with pen and paper, so something like a Rocketbook could fit that need. What’s important to you?
For more information on The Neat Freak, visit her website here and for more ideas on how you can start and grow your business, Office Depot can help you find those solutions.
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