Euri LED Tube Lights
Consider upgrading your old fluorescent lighting with LED tubes, a smart lighting solution for your office and home. LED tubes are space-saving lights that offer the clean look of fluorescent lighting while using less energy. Under-the-counter fixtures help brighten work surfaces, and tubes that cast warm white light create a welcoming atmosphere. If you're shopping by size, consider compact units for dedicated task lighting and extra-long modules to illuminate larger areas.
Energy Efficient Savings
LED lights generally use less energy than traditional fluorescent tubes. A T8 LED tube uses approximately 18 watts of electricity compared to 32 watts for a comparable fluorescent bulb, reducing your energy costs by nearly half. The savings can add up considerably if you're replacing bulbs throughout a building or a very large home. LED tubes last as long, if not longer, than fluorescent tubes, with an average lifespan of 20,000 hours.
Warm LED Light
You can replace the bluish tint of your traditional fluorescent lights with the warm glow of LED lights. Because LEDs rely on light-emitting diodes to create illumination, they're available in a range of color temperatures, although most